"Taste and SEE"

Wednesday evenings

March 12 - April 9

Enjoy good food and fellowship at our traditional "Lent Soup Suppers."  Dinner will be served in the Worship Center from 6-7 pm.
Bible classes and activities for all ages will be held from 7-8 pm.
  • Adults have several options including a study with deeper discussion about our new Lent Sermon Series, and how we can personally apply them in our lives.  (Scroll down to see the Sermon Series description and topics.)
  • Crossfire (7th Grade through College) will engage in a study titled It's Personal.  We are meant to know God in a way that is special and personal to each of us, and this connection will help us navigate life’s challenges with confidence and hope.
  • Kids of the Kingdom:  Classes are offered for both younger kids (age 4-3rd grade) as well as older kids (4th-6th grade), and include story time, crafts, games, snacks, & more fun! Princesses, princes, royal servants, and knights will learn about what it means to be a part of God’s royal family!
  • Nursery care is available for newborn through age 3 from 7-8 pm.

On April 2nd we will pause our Bible Classes and have a BethlehemSCV Family service event where we will come together to help feed people in need.
If you would like to help with dinner on Wednesdays during Lent (March 12 - April 9) please let us know by clicking the button below.  You can also talk with Andrea Evans for more information. 

Sermon Series Begins Sunday, March 9

Lent is a season to pause, to reflect, and to be honest about where we are in life. But what if it’s also a chance to hear something unexpected?

Jesus didn’t just preach - He asked questions that made people stop and rethink everything. Questions like:  "Do you want to be made well?" "Do you love Me?"  These aren’t just ancient questions; they are for you.  Jesus is asking—what if your answer could change everything?   No matter where you are in your faith - or even if you’re not sure what you believe - this series is a space to explore, ask, and discover.

You’re invited. Come see what these questions could mean for you.
March 9
"Do You Want to Be Made Well?"
March 16
"What Do You Want Me to Do for You?"
March 23
"Do You Believe This?"
March 30
"Do You Love Me?"
April 6
"Can Any of You by Worrying Add a Single Hour to Your Life?"
Palm Sunday, April 13
"How Do You Respond When I Shake Things Up?"
Easter Sunday, April 20
"Why Do You Seek the Living Among the Dead?"

Volunteer For Easter Sunday

We need your help to provide an extra special & welcoming atmosphere!  Please let us know how you are willing to serve.  Complete the form by clicking the button below.


March 10 – March 28
Online orders can be placed by clicking on the button below.
Preschool staff will be available to take orders on Sundays, March 16 and March 23.
These orders will be ready for pickup on Palm Sunday, April 13.


Traditional Worship
8:00 am

Bible Study
9:10-10:00 am
Conference Room

Contemporary Worship
 & Kids' Church
10:00 am
Women's Bible Study
10:00-11:30 am
Room 5

"Taste and See"
Soup Supper - 6:00 pm
Bible Classes - 7:00 pm
Men's Breakfast & Bible Study
7:30 am
Room 5


  • G.A.P. (God Answers Prayer) Prayer Partners are available to pray with you after Sunday services in the Worship Center Prayer Garden.
  • Prayer Request Cards are located at the Connection Center if you would like to submit a prayer on campus on Sundays.
  • Submit prayer requests here or through the BethlehemSCV app anytime throughout the week. 
The staff and prayer team regularly prays for all submissions.

Vacation Bible School 2025

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