Advent Activities

Gingerbread Bash
Wednesday, December 11
6:30 pm in the Worship Center
Pizza and building gingerbread nativity scenes

Operation Thank Our Troops
Wednesday, December 18
6:30 pm in the Worship Center
Pizza, letter writing, and assembling care packages 
Sunday, December 8
11:15 am in Room 5

When should I retire?  What should I do with Medicare?  How should I do some financial planning around retirement?  I'm young, should I have a will, and how do I get one?  

Steve Turner is going to be hosting a round table to answer all sorts of questions like this and even how you could be a blessing to the church in some of these areas.  Make sure to put it on your calendar! 
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:10-10:00 am
Conference Room
We will begin a new session, studying the book of Luke, on Sunday, December 1.
Homeless Care Packets
We have care packets for the homeless available at the Connection Center or the Church office.  We request a $10 donation per pack.  The packs can be kept in your car and distributed as you see need in our community.  Packets include a bottle of water, an emergency blanket, a food gift card, the Gospel of John, lip balm, sunscreen, and information on community services, like Bridge to Home and Santa Clarita Grocery.   

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