Serve In Our Church

Volunteers are a vital part of our church community.  God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve.  Please click the button below to let us know where you'd like to serve, and we will be in touch with you.

Welcome Team

The Welcome Team greets all worshipers with a pleasant smile and a warm hello.  We place signs in the parking lot and courtyard and are available to provide direction to campus areas, restrooms and exits.  We also assist worshipers during the services with communion guidance and other duties as needed.

Handyman Ministry

Assist with campus maintenance and upkeep:  landscaping, painting, electrical, plumbing, etc.

Kitchen/Hospitality Team

We volunteer our time because we love what we do & the fellowship as we work gifts us with long and lasting friendships.
  • Serving on Sunday morning at Café 12:13
  • Preparation and serving for "Taste and See" on Wednesday nights
  • Cooking and serving for any major church event which involves a meal

G.A.P. (God Answers Prayer) Prayer Ministry

The G.A.P. Team supports individuals who ask for intercessory prayer; submitting and witnessing to the love, power, and grace of the Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Prayer Chain

Urgent prayer requests are sent via email so they can be lifted up in prayer.

Altar Angels (Worship Prep)

Various tasks to make His house ready for worship:  
  • Prepare weekly communion
  • Set-up Sunday morning and special services communion
  • Bake communion bread
  • Refill the oil in the candles
  • Change paraments/altar cloths
  • Arrange flowers as needed
  • Decorate the church for special services or seasons

Audio/Visual Team

Support Worship services and other ministries by operating our projection systems, audio systems, or camera systems. We need to fill 4 roles each Sunday!

No experience is necessary and training is provided - come be a part of an amazing team of volunteers and grow your skills and experience while serving God and your church family.