Prayer List - March 9, 2025

  • Prayers that the deep divide that is being sown in this great nation be calmed, and we come together as brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Laurelle Mathis - that surgery goes well and healing is quick
  • Sharon Wunderlich - prayers for a successful surgery and healing
  • Kirk Petersen - cerebellum degeneration
  • Karen Eames - healing from knee surgery
  • Bob - getting stents put in his heart
  • Dahmain - hit in the head with a baseball and had no brain activity. He woke up and has no loss of memory and is able to speak freely. He remains extremely weak and unable to walk at this time. Prayers of thanksgiving and strength that he may be able to walk again.
  • Lil - pulmonary embolism and other test results
  • Pam - doctor referral
  • Marilyn - move to assisted living
  • Linda W. - healing from recent surgery
  • Dick L. - extensive procedures/surgeries for skin cancer
  • Thanksgiving for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries 
  • Thanksgiving for BethlehemSCV Church & Preschool
  • Guidance for all in preschool, children, and youth ministry - that whatever we do brings our young people closer to God
  • God’s leading for Bethlehem, that His house in SCV would always be a place where God’s love is shown and lived
  • All who are spiritually searching and in need of hope
  • Safety and guidance for our military and first responders: Javier, Brian, Wyatt, Zach, Shaun, Lukas, Robert, DJ, Ian, Aaron, Rowan, Cameron, Alexander, Christian, Yuri, and Joshua
  • All struggling with aging, strained family relationships, depression, loneliness, and addictions
  • Those in need of healing: Marcia, Eileen, William, Cathie, Mike, and Mollie
  • Marty Kramer - kidney transplant
  • Jaimie - healthy pregnancy
  • Karen - broken shoulder
  • Chronically ill or in fragile health: Christy, Whitney, Mike & Debbie, Al & Lilly, Valerie, Norma Jean, Theresa, Judy, Linda, and Bernice
  • Home or facility-bound: Kena, Ron & Karen, Dana, Margo, Daniel, Marilyn, David, Don, and Ann S.
  • Caregivers: Tom, Sarah, Emma, and Brian
  • Those with cancer: Jessica, Tina, Roger, and Sharon
  • Those on hospice: Ora, Nancy, and Betty (Karron Figueroa’s mom)